Featherburn plays accordion-powered romp-rock for adventurers. Volcanic, quirky and theatrical, the band weaves folk, punk, and eastern Europe with groove, grit, rhapsody, stereophonic harmony and shouts of moxy into a deep, playful wake-up call to marvel and wonder.
The ensemble formed in 2014, when actor-musician John Milosich (Milo) finished out a big theater tour and left the NYC audition circuit to create a show for quest-ready audiences looking for growth, inspiration and meaning. Having studied performance for social change and Shambala Buddhism at Naropa University after a decade of interdisciplinary theater collaboration in Washington DC, he was joined by a team of unique musician-seekers bent on making music for fun and transformation.
Colin Meloy, Danny Elfman, Tom Waits and Eugene Hutz sit in meditation at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Lancaster, while Jack Black, Al Yankovic and the lizard Rango drink Natty Boh’s at The Depot in Baltimore. The clock hits 11:11 and the seven performers reach simultaneous enlightenment as a tidal wave of love and euphoria washes over everyone in the world at their computers using Dropbox and Google Drive.